2025.03.07 – «Adventures on Pirni Street» 7th match


2025.03.07 – «Adventures on Pirni Street» 7th match

от Alphashoot
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2025.03.07 – «Adventures on Pirni Street» 7th match

Match Starts: March 7, 2025 @ 2:00 PM
Match Ends: March 7, 2025 @ 9:00 PM
Location: Pirni 5 Tallinn, Harjumaa 10617
New Match: The match is played according to IDPA rules.
Venue: Pirni 5, Tallinn, Harjumaa 10617 (59°25’38.6″N 24°41’57.5″E)
Match shot in one hour
Stages: 5
Rounds minimum: 55
Participation fee: 40 EUR
If desired, within the same match, you can shoot in several divisions.
Each additional division 15 EUR.

Registration: CLICK HERE

View Squadding: CLICK HERE

NB! If there are several divisions, register for the competition several times
2024 IDPA Rulebook
Equipment Appendices
IDPA Fundamentals Part II: Scoring
IDPA Fundamentals Part III: Tactical Priority

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